Monday, October 19, 2009

Color change in photoshop without loosing luminosity? Urgent :-(?

Hi, I really appreciate if somebody can answer this question:

I have a diamond image, which obviously has different shades in it, it actually has dark, like dak brown shades, which i want to change to lighter smth like light yellow, i tried replace color, hue/sat//light but the effect is not realistic like an actual diamond looks, it is loosing its luminosity. i even tried with magic wand tool, by selecting each darker part and changing color, but it does'nt look realistic either. I would be very grately if somebody could help me with this. I m using Photoshop 7.0

Thank You in advance.

Color change in photoshop without loosing luminosity? Urgent :-(?free spyware remobal

1) Select the area you want to change. Don't do the whole diamond in one go but a facet at a time.

2) Change hue and saturation to the color you want. Make each facet a different color. Not like red and blue but you may want one facet to be a pink to offset the yellow on the facet next to it.

3) Reset a combination of contrast and lightness to your liking. Usually this means cranking up the contrast and compensating by 'dimming the light' a bit.

4) Overlay a new layer and use your spay-paint to highlight area's. Bring to whole highlighted layer to 50- 70% transoerancy.

This also works the other way around to bring some subtle shading back to your diamond. Use a dark but bright blue.

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