Do you know of any good %26 free photo editing sofware better than MS Paint, kind of like photoshop?
Web links (%26 some info about it) would be great.
Any good %26 free photoshop type software?hijackthis
I was looking for this exact same question today. I typed in free graphics programs into google and there are some out there that are supposed to be similar to Photoshop. I found Dogwaffle, Draw Plus, GIMP, Inkscape, and Mayura Draw amongst others. I haven't tried any of them out yet.
Any good %26 free photoshop type software?malware
yeah there are, they aren't as good but still pretty useful. There is picaso 2 made by google. Its basically a quick fix to any photo issues and is a lot of fun. Most digital cameras come with photo editing software too.
I don't know of any, but i would not mind finding out if there is something like that out there.
Adobe Imageready
The GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) was designed to look and feel like Photoshop (version 6 I think) and does much of what photoshop does for free. Plenty of tutorials on their site too.
Gimp as already mentioned.
Or for a more photoshop-like interface gimpshop.
You need open source painting software
please try "Tux Paint" software.
It is open source Tux paint download from ------- this site.
Hey heres a free one:
it is called and its not Paint LOL its a digital photo editing software for free. It has also versed Photoshop and other big brand software and its only 1.5mb! It has heaps of effects and doesn't lag one bit.
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