Thursday, October 22, 2009

How should I activate my PhotoShop CS2 with a Vista OS?

Hmm, the PhotoShop program says that my account is NOT in the administrator mode, but it is set in Admin but my OS is Windows Vista. Is your OS a Vista for a PhotoShop?

How should I activate my PhotoShop CS2 with a Vista OS?free antivirus

I recommand you to use Google Picasa to manage and edit your pictures.

Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you will recognize. You can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups.

Picasa makes sure your pictures are always organized. Picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and powerful effects at your fingertips. And Picasa makes it a snap to share your pictures 篓C you can email, print photos at home, make gift CDs, instantly share via Hello鈩? and even post pictures on your own blog.

free download in here, just have a try:

Good Luck, Best Wishes!

How do I scale in Photoshop without blurring?

I am using Photoshop CS3 and have a very small image (about 10x10) and I need to make it MUCH larger without losing its pixely look. When I scale it in Photoshop, it blurrs the pixels together after I accept the transformation. Is there any way to stop this?

How do I scale in Photoshop without blurring?free spyware remobal

1. Go to your preferences... (Ctrl+K or Command+K depending whether PC or Mac.)

2. Under the General Tab (should be the default that shows up), right under Color Picker it should have a drop down that says Image Interpolation. Change that to Nearest Neighbor (preserve hard edges).

Thats as close as its gonna get I think..couldn't figure out any other way...if I understood your question properly.

Best of luck. =)

How do I scale in Photoshop without blurring?kawasaki

punk1n13 should get 5 stars. That is the best way to enlarge a small image to keep the pixelated look. I just enlarged a 25x25px 72dpi to 2.5x2.5 inches 200 dpi using "nearest neighbor" and graphic kept blocky pixel look I was after. Report It

Unfortunately there isn't. You can enlarge an image only up to a point before the pixelation is noticeable. With an image that's 10x10, there's very little detail in it to begin with so there's not too much room to enlarge it. If it's a relatively basic image, you can enlarge it, create another layer, and then try your best to trace over it and recreate the image.

Need Help In The Abode Photoshop 7.0 ?

I Need Help How Can I Change Background Of A Picture in Abode Photoshop 7.0 so please help to me to do this please answer only Abode Photoshop 7.0 professionls thanks !!!

Need Help In The Abode Photoshop 7.0 ?free spyware remover

Do you mean a background layer or just a background in any ol' picture that in one layer?

To change a background in any ol' picture, you can fill in the parts you don't want a solid color like black. That way you can to an invert selection on the object you want or make the now black baground transparent. I use a wacom pen for all that type of stuff, would be hard with a mouse.

Need Help In The Abode Photoshop 7.0 ?ktm

yes you can change.for the details see the www.Abode Photoshop 7.0 professionls.
unlock the background layer and then play with it.

How to unlock layers in Photoshop?

I opened a jpg file in Photoshop ("layer #1"). I created another layer on top of it ("layer #2"), then tried to move layer #2 behind layer #1 by dragging it in the "Layer" window.

Photoshop won't let me drag layer #2 beneath layer #1. The only clue I have is that layer #1 has the "locked" padlock in the Layer window.

So how do I unlock layer #1 so I can put layer #2 behind it?

Any suggestions?


How to unlock layers in Photoshop?free spyware

When you open a file, it opens as a background. So Is layer one a background? If so, select the background then go to "layer" option at the top of the screen, press "new" and then create layer from background and that should unlock it. Or try pressing the padlock button above the layer when the layer is selected...

A graphics program similar to photoshop?

I need a program similar to photoshop that will allow me to make graphics and have better quality than i have with paint. I just dont want to spend that much money on photoshop and I really just like the graphics part of it.

A graphics program similar to photoshop?hijack this

Jasc Paintshop Pro is a bit cheaper, and quite nice and easier to learn. the "not quite latest" version is quite solid and should be available for less than $50.)

The latest versions are shown at the Corel website ( I guess they bought Jasc) and show prices less than $100 for suites.

I would look for a used version of Jasc Paint shop pro version 9.0 used. on E-bay or somewhere.

Hope that helps!!

A graphics program similar to photoshop?liveupdate

There are some free Open Source applications that you can download and use: The GIMP, GIMPShop and Because these are Open Source (meaning their code is open for anyone who wants take it and improve on it) they are available for anyone to use. The Gimp is popular enough that there are also several books available on it, you can find them on Amazon.
Order Paint Shop鈩?br> Photo Album鈩? 5 鈥?Premium Edition it works great and is not expensive at all. good luck
There are several

-Photoshop Elements which is the less powerful and cheaper version of photoshop but will still more than likely do everything you want

-Paint Shop Pro which is very similar but cheaper which is free and a more powerful version of paint that you should try first

-Gimp which is free and what I use for most of my imaging needs
paintshop pro. i think you can get it for less than $100.
GIMP (free Photoshop alternative)

PIXEL (also free Photoshop alternative)

INKSCAPE (free drawing program)

just google em. I haven't used PIXEL, but I've used the other two.
OMG your avatar looks just like mine!

Does anyone have either adobe photoshop 7.0, cs,or cs2 ?

well my mum bought me adobe photoshop cs3 extended for my 18th birthday (im an art student) but she didnt realise it was an upgrade version. it says i need either adobe photoshop 7.0, cs or cs2 in order for it to work. but shes already spent 拢150 on the cs3 and we'r not exactly well off! i dont know if its leagal,but i wouldn't ask unlesss i was desperate..but could someone let me use their product serial code so that i can use my 18th birthday present?! please!! oh and by the way its not like we can take it back because we got it offline. thanks. Jen

Does anyone have either adobe photoshop 7.0, cs,or cs2 ?hijackthis

It is illegal. Try contacting after sales support and see if they will let you get a full version for the difference in price.

Does anyone have either adobe photoshop 7.0, cs,or cs2 ?malware

you probably got scammed. where did you buy it from?

photoshop 7.0 is not that expensive cuz its old.

i can probably help you though.message me.
This is worthy of Best Answer
Sorry it doesn't work like that. Even if you had a product key which you already have for the one Mom bought it wouldn't work.

You must have an earlier version INSTALLED for the present to work at all.

When ever buying Software Never buy from the Internet and only buy FULL RETAIL VERSION, Never an update or upgrade.

Your only option is to purchase direct from

How to bring screenshots into Photoshop ?

As far as I know, screenshots can be pasted on to a wordpad or in a Paint document. Photoshop doesn't identify these formats. So how to bring a screenshot image into Photoshop ?

How to bring screenshots into Photoshop ?house call

or can just copy to Paint - then save it as a JPG you then can put it into any "art" program you want from there.

How to bring screenshots into Photoshop ?matchless

or simple click Ctrl V . thenyou can drag it to your new document :)
It does for me. Just right click and copy your screenshot, open Photoshop and open a new document, right click in that document, and paste. It should work.
I just hit the [PrintScreen] key on PC keyboard and past that image into Photoshop.

Is there a software LIKE photoshop that I don't have to pay for?

i've heard about the qualities of photoshop and everything, but i really don't wanna pay for it, since i'm not much of a techie, photography-type person, and i reckon i won't use it much anyway even if i DID buy it.

so i'm looking for a free software that i can maybe download or something that doesnt have to be up to photoshop standards, but maybe close....

does anyone know of such a software?

Is there a software LIKE photoshop that I don't have to pay for?hp %26lt;%26lt; Great %26lt;%26lt; Less festures....very simple only.

Is there a software LIKE photoshop that I don't have to pay for?mcaffee

Nothing can match the quality of photoshop. But some programs come closer than others. Try Gimp, for example:
Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software. It supports layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. Paint.Net is a project born within the University of Washington and is an open source (and free) program. In my opinion this software has many similarities with the unreachable Photoshop. You can download it here:
You cant get Photoshop for free in US and any Western country.

Where can i download new photoshop brush's? and is that what people to use to design on photosh

i am trying to figure out how things work on photoshop, do people use those brushes only to design on their?

Where can i download new photoshop brush's? and is that what people to use to design on photoshop?husqvarna

Normally you can make your own in Photoshop.

Best thing would be to get a few books or do a graphic design course as there is a HUGE amount to be learnt in Photoshop.

Commercial Photoshop by Bert Monroy is a good title or check out Youtube for photoshop tutorials.

You can google Photoshop brushes fairly easily.

How can I use Adobe Photoshop with my dual-boot system?

I installed Adobe Photoshop on Windows Vista. With the nature of Vista, I dual-booted to Windows XP. Now I want to use Photoshop on both Vista and XP, without sacrificing disk space. I tried running the application file (the dot exe), but it says that it could not find the serial number (probably a problem with the reigistry entries). Help, please?

How can I use Adobe Photoshop with my dual-boot system?internet security 2006

This is because Photoshop installs this program with a reg key to a given OS. Meaning when you install it, the installation will automatically "tag" a key to a hidden file on that OS somewhere for whatever reason. I've experienced this same problem before when I installed Photoshop on a slave drive and formatted my master. In any case you will probably have to install it again for the other operating system. Good luck!

Can someone please help me (photoshop question)?

can some one help me with how to do something like this?


i know how to do cutouts in photoshop, but i need to learn how to do the background. if someone could help, that would be great! thank you sooo much. =) oh, by the way i have Adobe Photoshop CS3.


Can someone please help me (photoshop question)?internet security software

That's easy; you need to work with layers. If you can do cutouts, all you need to do is:

right click on your first layer. you cannot place anything under the background layer.

do the cutout on the duplicate.

past your background on the fist layer

flatten your layers (layer menu) if you want to save it as jpg or png format.

there you are.

write to me if you need more help

have fun

Why do windows computers run photoshop faster than macs?

apparently windows runs photoshop CS3 faster

Photoshop CS2 (scroll down for results)

(scroll down for the chart)

Why do windows computers run photoshop faster than macs?internet security

It's no surprise that CS2 runs slow on Intel-based Macs. It's using Rosetta emulation layer to run PowerPC programs which CS2 is made. Same reason why Office 2004 is slower on Intel Macs.

If anyone is good with photoshop do this for me?

alright so I got a pic and I wanna make myself look like a vampire for halloween and I dont really know how to use photoshop that well. Does anyone know how to make it look like blood comming out ur mouth and things like that?

I found this site:

Someone know how to do that?? If ya wanna help..I'll send you my pic and you can do it for me =]] If you got the time.

If anyone is good with photoshop do this for me?internet

Try asking on, There's an artist named Kruella that does those.

Importing a website into Imageready/photoshop?

I have been asked to make a mirror of a website that is in Japanese to English. I would like to import the website into imageready since it looks like the original may have been done with photoshop/imageready. Is there a way to take an existing website, import it into imageready, code and all, so that I can change the images into English via Photoshop and keep the code the same or closely similar? Imageready can make a dynamic website, but can it take a premade dynamic website and edit it?

Importing a website into Imageready/photoshop?kawasaki

Imageready or photoshop are not web design programs. Dreamweaver or FrontPage is a start, you will hit many snags with the two graphic programs suggested. Best way for this exercise is raw code, don't use any program, just a text editor as the pro's would.

No editor can copy a dynamic site without the password and original source codes.


Importing a website into Imageready/photoshop?nortan antivirus

Seems like all you need to do is edit the images, correct? If so, why not just save all the images, edit them, and replace the Japanese images with the English ones? Does code need to be involved? I think the only code you'd have to change is the location of the Japanese images to location of the English ones.
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How do I make my photoshop document size the same size as the default powerpoint slide?

I want to make a powerpoint presentation only powerpoint is somewhat primative software. In photoshop I can make much better looking pictures, so what I want to do is make my slide backgrounds in photoshop then import them into powerpoint. How do I make the picture the same size as the slide?

How do I make my photoshop document size the same size as the default powerpoint slide?ktm

I personally use Picasa to do this, quite easy.

Try Google Picasa, 100% free and easy to use.

With Picasa, you can organize your pictures on your computer easily, Share your pics with friends by sending email and making Picture CD , Edit your pics, making many special effects only by one click.

Here to download for free:

Hope it helps.

How do I make my photoshop document size the same size as the default powerpoint slide?nortan

You dont need to do that... When you add the images to powerpoint, powerpoint will automatically adjust them to fit the screen...

Powerpoint has not default size as far as I know. most people have a 1024x768 Screen Resolution, which is what you see when you make powerpoint slides and play them on your home computer...

I would say you cant go wrong making the images 1024x768 and then importing to powerpoint.

How do I fix my photoshop?

It's Adobe Photoshop 7.0. There like a grid on it every time that I open it. I'm good with photoshop and computers but I can't seem to get the grid to go away. ALSO, when I try to lighten things, such as teeth, with the dodge tool, it lightens it WAY too much.

How do I fix my photoshop?live update

For the grid... go to View %26gt; Show %26gt; deselect grid.

For the dodge tool... just reduce the exposure... and play around with the range (shadows/midtones/highlights)

How do I fix my photoshop?norten

dont know vote me the best
You can go to VIEW and see if there is something there that is checked that shouldnt be. Play around with it a little. If the grid is on the sides of an image it might be the rulers.

Making a myspace overlay using photoshop and imageready etc...?

So I can pretty much figure out how to design how i want the layout to look in photoshop but if anyone has a good tutorial on that itd be helpful.....but my question is after i create it in photoshop and use imageready to create the links and do i go about coding it and stuff to put it on myspace?? if anyone knows or knows of a good tutorial about it thatd be great!!

Making a myspace overlay using photoshop and imageready etc...?liveupdate

You need to know html and css.

This site offers you a "jumping" off point:

But you have to "modify" it via CSS to get it to match what you want your page to look like.

Make a test profile and experiemtn with that (that's what I do) - that's hidden from the public, then when you're happy , apply it to your real profile

Do I have to know Photoshop to get a job as a Hallmark Creative?

I want to work for Hallmark Cards. I am all about creating emotionally meaningful visual imagery and I have the upmost confidence in my abilities with traditional painting and drawing media, got that down pat, check, no problem, but I don't know Photoshop. Do I need to know Photoshop or/and Illustrator software to be considered a viable candidate for an illustrator's position at Hallmark Cards?? Are there any current or former employees out here able and willing answer my question? How about anyone that has interviewed with Hallmark recently? Anyone??! Thanking everyone in advance for your input :O)

Do I have to know Photoshop to get a job as a Hallmark Creative?malware

theres a hallmark here in topeka and all you have to do is get a job there and work your way up through the company...its a VERY hard place to get on at though...the only way you can start at that point where you just jump right into that kind of work is if you have a degree in art i think. but still...even if you did it would be extremely difficult to get an interview there...people never quit and people are rarely hired there for anything other then data entry positions or factory positions

Do I have to know Photoshop to get a job as a Hallmark Creative?norton 360

Ok, can someone help me in using Adobe Illustrator in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop?

Basically, I'm learning Adobe Illustrator finally. I want to be able to draw the stuff with Illustrator, and then export it to Photoshop. This brings up multiple questions, you can answer some of them, or all of them.

If I want to start a vector with Illustrator, and then use Photoshop with the file, what would be the best way going about that.

Is it WISE to be exporting Illustrator files to Photoshop?

Now from what I have been learning from just today, Illustrator might have all the options I need there, I might not need to export it to photoshop. But here is a big question.

My buddy send me a .psd file. He told me he wants me to pen it up, because he doesnt' know how to use the pen tool, so I want to use Illustrator (too complicated of a drawing to use photoshop to pen it)

How can I pen this up, so that I can send it to my buddy, and he can apply effects to it within Photoshop?

Ok, can someone help me in using Adobe Illustrator in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop?matchless

You can use both of them but in different cases.

Usually I use Illustrator when I need something to print. Because Illustrator works with vector graphics and it's easily scalable. You can make artwork bigger or smaller without any loosing in details.

Photoshop works better with pixel graphics. And I use it when do some works for web. Also for printing if I know final size and resolution (dpi).

And yes, you can freely open ai, eps, psd files with both of them.

Whats Better Than Photoshop?

is there any other software out there thats better than photoshop were u can do alot of cool effects

Whats Better Than Photoshop?symatec

i doubt there if there is better than photoshop but you can still try ulead photo impact and acdsee

Whats Better Than Photoshop?vista

Corel Paintshop Pro 10 or 11. Alot easier to get the hang of with alot of the same benefits as Photoshop.

Good Luck
Photoshop is the best. There might be some cheaper software that is only made for special effects, but Photoshop is the best.
Photoimpression is REALLY cool... you can do soooo much with it. i have photoshop, but i never use it... i use photoimpression by ArcSoft software. its awesome
You can use for free.

Click on site below and check it out.
One program that's getting a lot of press lately is "Gimp" -- It's an open-source graphic program that has a lot of the same features as Photoshop, although I would still have to say Adobe makes a more stable product.

The upside is that Photoshop will run you $600. You can download Gimp for free to give it a whirl....

Please rate the PhotoShop transformation?

This was my first time using PhotoShop and I followed a tutorial.



Do you have any tips for me?

Please rate the PhotoShop transformation?systemworks

I think the eyes are a tad too bright.

I just bought Photoshop CS3 Extended, and I can't install it. Requirements reached. Help?

I just bought it and I'm sooooo annoyed. I start up the autoplay and click 'install Photoshop CS3' and the startup appears, but it disappears without installing or starting up anything, and nothing happens. My new CPU has reached the requirements stated in the readme, and I don't know what is wrong. Anyone help?

I just bought Photoshop CS3 Extended, and I can't install it. Requirements reached. Help?anti virus scan

If it's any consolation, a lot of people have had problems installing CS3. A lot of things can cause this problem. First, are you logged on as Administrator?

If you had the CS3 beta installed before, read this:

Here is a gigantic thread on installer problems. Maybe you will find a solution here:

Keep searching the forum for answers, or call Adobe Tech support:

Good luck. It installed just fine for me, so it can be done!

Pen tool on photoshop cs2?

hi i'm using photoshop cs2 to cure my boredness...and i was wondering if people knew how to use the pen tool so well..they could make shapes in their layouts as if they were professional such as

Pen tool on photoshop cs2?anti virus software

You probably want to use the Brush Tool to get something similar to your example. With the many possible brushes (click the small triangle to the right of Brush in the top tool bar to see all of the default brushes) you can create just about any brush stroke.

The Pen Tool creates vector lines (mathematically defined lines) instead of pixels and those lines are easily scaled from one document size to another. The Pen Tool isn't easy to use for freehand sketches and/or scribbles.

Questions about adobe photoshop pleaseeee!!!?

can anyone tell me where i can download adobe photoshop??? please. i need it badly. and do i have to pay for it or does anyone know if i can download it for free sumwhere?

Questions about adobe photoshop pleaseeee!!!?anti virus

You can download it here:

And yes, you do have to pay for it. It is somewhere around US$650.

Given the fact that you even have to ask that question shows me that you are not very familiar with Photoshop and all its power. Therefore I would recommend you look into a very good Open Source alternative that should be more than enough for your needs:

Getting Fonts into Photoshop?

I have a problem. I understand how to get the fonts into photoshop.

Start%26gt;Control Panel%26gt; Fonts

I have all the fonts I downloaded all extracted and ready in the right format. But when I try to put the files into the fonts folder, I get this Error.

Someone tell me why, and how to fix it?

Getting Fonts into Photoshop?antispam

you must install the fonts by going in fonts folder and in file click intall new fonts, and you need to browse where you save the fonts.

Getting Fonts into Photoshop?avast

sometimes happens to me. sometime works if you don't open the Fonts folder. Simply open Windows, and drag the fonts onto the image of the Font folder.
you must go to c:\windows\fonts

in file menu %26gt; install new fonts

then fonts will install in your pc and work with all programs

What type of photoshop is this please?

Dont mind the people

Its just that I can tell this picture is photoshop

and I want to know what kind is it because i want my picture to be really clear

how much would it cost?


What type of photoshop is this please?antispyware

The original photo appears to have little or no manipulation from any photo editing software from what I can see.

Here's what some work in Photoshop CS3 looks like:

It involves some sharpening, levels, healing, and cloning work. Much of this could also be done in Photoshop Elements that's currently going for around $50 or less.

What type of photoshop is this please?best antivirus software

basically every version of photoshop is the same. The newest Version is CS3 and its about $500.

If that photo is photoshoped its a good fake, because I opened it in CS3 and looked at it and there are no seams or anything to suggest that it has been changed.
Just because its a PNG doesn't mean its a PS photo.

Here is a screenshot of it in PS Elements file association manager.%26gt;

Yoy would get the same results using and bitmap converted to a png.

I just did a auto adjust on the contrast and it got 100% clearer wich means it is not a PS pic.
You must be having a cranial spastic fit because what you are saying makes no sense at all.

Some help with photoshop 7?

I have photoshop seven and I need some help. I need to know how I can use the pictures from my digital camera and insert them into pics off the inernet that have lower dimensions. Even when I resize my layers to be smaller they still appear huge. What do I need to do?

Some help with photoshop 7?antivirus download

i dont know if photoshop 7 has it, but there is a feature called SAVE FOR WEB, under file. There you can resize it smaller and also make the picture less quality.

Some help with photoshop 7?bmw

Here is 2 things you may want to do. When you re due the Image size also change the resolution. If you are just putting them on the net to share re due the Res to 72. and image size around 640 x 480 see if that helps you out
After you are done with image and have saved it as a jpeg or whatever, you can also easily shrink it with an image resizer Powertoy downloadable from Microsoft. Photoshop is still better, but if you don't know how to read the resolutions, you can use this nifty tool.

Black prints as gray from Photoshop CS3 or Acrobat Pro?

I'm working on a Macbook with Leopard, using CS3. I recently started using a HP Officejet Pro K8600 printer (inkjet, CMYK cartridges). My problem is that when printing out of Photoshop and Acrobat, any black items are outputting as gray- I'm assuming that the printer is creating a composite black out of the color inks instead of using the black ink cartridge (?). This is not a problem when printing out of Illustrator (blacks look great). Any ideas?

I have tried running Photoshop in Rosetta mode, deleting the Preferences file, and several different print and Photoshop dialogue settings. Photoshop, Acrobat and the printer driver are all updated. I'm running out of options and Adobe technical support had no solution either. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Black prints as gray from Photoshop CS3 or Acrobat Pro?antivirus downloads

I am only guessing since I'm new to MAC Leopard. I have a sneaking suspicion that your thought about Photoshop and Acrobat creating composite black, instead of using the actual black, could be true. It seems to me that I saw some printers that don't use the same black cartridge for both text and photo (which is aggravating). My guess is that with that printer, there may be some photo specific cartridge that it may want you to switch to when printing pictures. It's some weird way that the printer and computer work together. Maybe someone else reading this could elaborate more on this or perhaps has another idea.

What photoshop would you reccommend for.....?

ok im thinking to get photoshop but i dont know which one im hoping i could get a type of photoshop thats able to make graphic designs, web layout and to draw anime or jus to draw

plz help ^^

What photoshop would you reccommend for.....?antivirus programs

if u r talking about photoshop CS3, there is a version for designing.. called Design premuim

but adobe also has other products like Indesign, illustrator..

What photoshop would you reccommend for.....?computer protection

I use both adobe Photoshop and Illustrator at my business. We mainly do web design and graphic design for print. When it comes to designing web layouts we use Photoshop, but when it comes to print stuff Illustrator. Personally I think the illustrator would be better for the cartoon/anime work.

As to versions the latest version of Photoshop and Illustartor is CS3.


Photoshop CS3 Price: $649

Illustrator CS3 Price: $599

Here is a little trick to save money! To buy both of these would cost $1258. But if you buy a really old version and install it you can just purchase the upgrade which is only $199.

Example: Buy This!

Plus Photoshop CS3 Upgrade $199

Total cost for CS3: $254

You can do the same for Illustrator also.
Quick answer. The one you can afford.

Or download the trial versions here :

You'll then be able to decide which one is best for you.

Using Photoshop?

Ok i am one for playing text based RPG online :) and as you may know if you play them aswel people have cool pictures they make in photoshop for their profiles. Well im new to photoshop and i thought i would muck about with a anime picture and make it look like a cool profile picture but it seems like im crap at it :(

can Anyone give me any tips on how to make good profile pictures? Or maybe give me step by step guides on how they make their own? Thanks be a real help

Using Photoshop?antivirus protection

i could show you some tricks, but it is very hard in this way, if you google " tutorial anime with photoshop " you will find some good websites where you can get some help, also if you can find this book,.. " draw manga step by step on your computer" by steve %26 ghy sampson would be good ideabecause it is very easy to understand, and they use photoshop, also youtube has videos of people using photoshop, but the better idea is to get the book i just told you the isbn is (for barnes and nobles ) 978-0-7607-8946-9 or 0-7607-8946-0 it is less than 20 dollars. you will love it.

Using Photoshop?computer repair

well, i would reccomend scanning what you drew. Use a wacom tablet if you have one. and download photoshop brushes from

Adobe photoshop?

so i'm technogically challenged, and i have adobe photoshop and i want to make sort of a collage of a bunch of pictures. except i don't want them overlapping. how do you put a bunch of pictures into one big picture? my way of doing it is uploading onto imageshack, copying the picture, and pasting it onto the blank space in adobe photoshop. but i can't move the picture around to where i want it to be, and it turns out pixely. so help pleaase? thanks

Adobe photoshop?antivirus scan

if you just want a collage try using a simpler software like picasa

Adobe photoshop elements cannot get pictures from new nikon 300d?

What am I doing wrong? I cant get pictures from new nikon 300d with photoshop elements 6 nor photoshop cs2. it says its in the wrong format?

Adobe photoshop elements cannot get pictures from new nikon 300d?antivirus software

"You need to go to the Adobe website and update elements software for the NIkon NEF formatted photos."


Adobe photoshop elements cannot get pictures from new nikon 300d?computer virus

Every new camera's RAW format needs the newest software to be read correctly. Neither CS2 or Elements are new enough. CS3 may not even read D300 RAW (NEF) files yet. Use eith er Nikon Capture NX (should have been included) or wait til a CS3 plug in as been created.
You need to go to the Adobe website and update elements software for the NIkon NEF formatted photos.

Try using Adobe lightroom for reading your raw files.. it's so much better.
Why are you using Photoshop to import the image files.

Use your file manager and your computer skills to copy the images to you computer to the file folder you name for each photo shoot.

You will have to download the latest RAW converters from Adobe for Photoshop to "see" your NEF files.

Adobe Photoshop Help!!??? Please!!!???

say if i just got a normal Anime manga picture, then i opened it with Adobe Photoshop... is there any way, to make it just lineart... without colour... is there any way i can just get a normal Manga picture off the internet, then open it on Photoshop, and just make it lineart??? i dont have a Graphics Tablet yet.. so i can trace it.. and I'm terrible with tracing with a mouse... please help!!?? thanks..

Adobe Photoshop Help!!??? Please!!!???antivirus

im not that sure where this is, but go under "layer", or something, and click "levels".

u shouuld see a new dialog box with some slider thingies in it. on the top one, u should see like a little back arrow thingy, white arrow thingy, and a grey one.....bring the black and white sliders together to give you the effect you want.....feel free to mess with them......

[Britney] Photoshop or not?

I was talking with my friend about this picture of Britney

He supported Photoshop since it was her arm in the photo was great, I thought that it was strange that although achasse, recalls much the arm of Madonna

What you think, this is photoshop?

[Britney] Photoshop or not?aurora

Yes, it is. It looks very fake. I take a class that teaches me how to spot phony photos, and this one has every detail.

[Britney] Photoshop or not?download

ooh! I don't know! I doubt it's fake, though. She's a hottie... works out, right?
You didn't define "Photoshop".

Almost all photographers will Image%26gt;Adjust%26gt;Curves (or the equivalent) and often crop the photo. Yes, of course this was done.

Some photographers will apply a brushstroke/distort/sketch filter that make it look like it was drawn by hand, or like you're looking through glass. But this will never result in someone having three arms, or a friend being removed from the photo. One of these filters were probably used here, though it's hard to be sure because the most obvious issues in the photo probably came from the image being scanned in from a magazine.

What many people casually mean by "photoshop" is the addition or removal of arms/people/etc. Do you suspect that was done here? What part of the image do you suspect this was done on? The image is of low enough quality that it's difficult to analyze every part of the photo for these sorts of modifications.

Help With Adobe Photoshop Please!!!?

I Am OK at Photoshop CS3 but I found this picture on Myspace that I have put a link to below and wondered how you do it. Is it something to do with adding a layer Masks amd then just simply draging a gradient over the top or Am i not doing it write? Well here the link is:

Help With Adobe Photoshop Please!!!?liveupdate

You might be doing the gradient thing right, but have you tried lowering the opacity and/or the fill of the layer? Lowering the opacity and/or fill level usually makes that layer sort of 'see-through' depending on how low you set it.

Here's an example of a picture before and after I tweaked the opacity and fill percentage:

Hope this helps (^_^)

Stock photo by neeta at

Help With Adobe Photoshop Please!!!?nortin

This is an easy one. Open your picture/graphic in Photoshop, Create a "Layer via copy". Now create another layer over the picture and make a selection that is at least as big as your graphic. With the Gradient tool, create a gradient in this selection. Now just adjust the opacity of the gradient to your liking. When finished, flatten the image. That should do it.

How to uninstall ImageReady CS & keeping photoshop CS safe?

The new photoshop CS comes with ImageReady and I want to remove it %26 keeping photoshop safe.

How to uninstall ImageReady CS %26 keeping photoshop CS safe?malware

go to control panel then to add remove prog's and then scrolll down til u see the name of what u want to remove then press remove thats it

A question regarding photoshop?

I've just downloaded some fonts, but I have no idea how to upload them onto photoshop or whatever it is that you do. Could someone help me? They came in a zip folder and I've now extracted them, they are not plug ins, just 51 folders....

Help please? =)

A question regarding photoshop?matchless

You could just put them inside the Font folder. Assuming you use Windows, you should go to the Control Panel %26gt; Fonts and paste all the single fonts you wish inside it (no the folders!).

Or you could use another software to manage fonts, like Bitstream Font Navigator, and install them from this program.

Photoshop will just assume all the fonts you have installed in your system automatically.

A question regarding photoshop?norton 2008

ok .. follow these steps :

1. Create a new folder on the C Drive for the new fonts, lets say "New Fonts"

2. press Start %26gt; Control Panel

3. Look for the FOnts Icon .. double click on it

4. File %26gt; install new font

5. Locate the folder we created ..

6. when u select the folder the screen will start reading the fonts.

7. Press on Select All

8. Press OK .. Vwala .. u have your new fonts on your PC ..

By the ways .. Photoshop will use all fonts .. but u have to run photoshop after installing the fonts .. not befor

If u have photoshop can u help me i just got it and i cant figure out how to work ittttttttt?


i have adobe photoshop elements 5.0

im lostt

how do u make everything black and white and one thing color like ur eyes or color.

or like get ride of pimples

or make ur eye colors differnt.

anything that u can think of or somethning that like anything u would like to share would be amazing!!

If u have photoshop can u help me i just got it and i cant figure out how to work ittttttttt?microsoft office

Not an easy answer, i fail to see how one could have a problem doing such an easy task? if you are, then perhaps you should FLATTEN LAYERS, this would be the only real problem that may prevent you from editing from the outset.

Changing from colour to black and white you can do one of two things. hit the DE-SATURATE button, this will change your image into gray scale, that's a varying degree from black to white. or change your COLOUR MODE to just 2 colours.

The smudge tool its great for removing pimples as it works like a painting and takes the colour from around the pimple and rubs it into wherever you move the mouse.

Use the magic wand or lasoo tool to select the eyes and go into edit colour and saturation, just play with the setting there.

When you select any tool, a sub-menu should display according to that tool, so adjust those too and try it. Use your undo command or revert in the file menue, think 5 has it? Do remember to save regular and don't try to do things from a distance. ZOOM in to the area to be edited, you will have much more flexibility.

How do you photoshop pictures without installing anything?


How do you photoshop pictures without installing anything?microsoft

Basically, you have to have a program on your computer in order to do this, which requires installing it.

Here are some free programs ... totally free, not trials.

I don't know of websites that allow you to do things online, but there probably are some ... although it is far easier when the program is actually on your computer.

How do you photoshop pictures without installing anything?norton ghost

You could use a pair of scissors and scotch tape.
you need to download photoshop to photoshop a picture. thats like asking how do you paint without paints. well you could use the free trial of photoshop but you will still need to download it

theres the link
You can use Microsoft Paint, which comes with Windows, to do some modifications. It is not as powerful as Photoshop, which is a professional program. There are other programs in between but you probably already have Paint and don't need to install anything.

Is there a photoshop free trial?

any way i could gget photoshop off the internet like a free trial or download cause i really want to try it out.

Is there a photoshop free trial?network

Yes there is

theres paintshop there

and theres

somewhere on those websites you'll find a free trial link.

Is there a photoshop free trial?norton

Yep. right here -
There are no Trial Versions of Photoshop. Just run Paint pretty much the same thing, but Photoshop is just an upgraded version basically.
go here

and select the product from the list
Try, and see if you can download a demo.
i've been wondering the same question.
I'm in the same position as you. I want to to try it out too.
Yes, there is a Free Download. Just go to and search : Download Photoshop and you will see many available sites. GOOD LUCK
go to
Here is a list of the free trials Adobe offers. Photoshop is on the list.
Yes, there is:

If you are looking for something free that is a more than just a trial, try Gimp. It is usually considered slightly inferior to Photoshop, but a lot of people will not notice the difference:

30 days is not enough
i think for 30 days

Why is adobe photoshop the slowest program to start ever?

i have a top of line new iMac, photoshop is still the slowest thing on earth

Why is adobe photoshop the slowest program to start ever?nortan antivirus

I completely agree. I still don't undertand why it is, and why Illustrator and InDesign aren't. I got an iMac too, don't understand some things

Why is adobe photoshop the slowest program to start ever?nortonantivirus

It has lots of features. Also, it may be using Rosetta, which makes it slower.

Can someone with photoshop please help me edit my family's christmas picture?!?!?!?

My family just took a christmas picture and they have given me the task of editing it.

There are a few flaws that i cannot edit with the progams i use

so i am trying to see if there is anyone who has photoshop

who would take the time to do this quick edit!!!

There is a window in the background that we would like to be taken out (if that is too hard i'll tell them to deal with it being there lol)

and i personally would like it if someone could fix the shadowing on my nose because it looks horrible!!!!

if you could please do this for me i would really appircate it

just leave your email address in the answer and i will email the picture to you!

thank you so much

and happy hollidays!

Can someone with photoshop please help me edit my family's christmas picture?!?!?!?nortan

if you dont have photoshop or paintshop-pro, try gimp

Gimp ~photo editor,

you can edit out window by copy and paste. and you can edit facial features with clone/ stamp to or heal/ bandaid tool,


Can someone with photoshop please help me edit my family's christmas picture?!?!?!?noton

Sure, I'll see what I can do. Send it to me at

Make sure its a .jpg file and let me know in detail what you want done to it. Also, make sure you give me an email address to send it back to.

Help me with Photoshop?

I know work little bit with Photoshop however I can not make this desigh for my website on my own.

You can view the example at

Do you know how can I create grass style ?


Help me with Photoshop?norten

text with grass pattern, you could try brushes to add to selected text, looks like flame pattern which may be plugin effect with green as color instead,


Help me with Photoshop?panda

copy and paste a grass texture on a variety of layers.

I think the effect you see was actually done in Illustrator with some default brush styles. but it is trivially easy to do photoshop

learn to create a selection and Alt-Drag for copying.
That looks like it was done by hand with a brush. You should use a vertical/slanted brush and vary the shades of green

Need demensions for photoshop cs3?

i am having some difficulties finding the demensions i want for photoshop cs3 i usually make signitures for forums so if anyone has the program and has found something that you have used for fourms i woud like to know your demensions

Need demensions for photoshop cs3?nortin

I have photoshop CS3 Extended. However I do not understand what you mean by 'demensions' ( this is not a word ) I suspect you mean 'dimension' and if so this still confuses me. Dimnesions are merely size parameters.

Please update the question with exactly what you are trying to find out and I shall return.

If you are actually looking for minimum system specs for running CS3 ( long shot ) then


* Intel庐 Pentium庐 4, Intel Centrino庐, Intel Xeon庐, or Intel Core鈩?Duo (or compatible) processor

* Microsoft庐 Windows庐 XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista鈩?Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified for 32-bit editions)

* 512MB of RAM

* 64MB of video RAM

* 1GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation)

* 1,024x768 monitor resolution with 16-bit video card

* DVD-ROM drive

* QuickTime 7 software required for multimedia features

* Internet or phone connection required for product activation

* Broadband Internet connection required for Adobe Stock Photos* and other services

Can u use photoshop for digital camera's and can the pic's look professional or do u need

do i need an expensive camera to get professional looking photographs like the photographers have or can i use my regular digital camera to get the same results?...and what photoshop program is best?

Can u use photoshop for digital camera's and can the pic's look professional or do u need those nikon cameras?norton 360

In the film days the quality of a picture depended on the quality of the lens and how flat the camera held the film. Everything else was immaterial. Professional SLRs simply made things more reliable and accurate. What really made the picture quality was in fact the film and there was a lot to choose from. And what always makes an image is how creative the photogrqpher is.

In the digital world it's a bit different. The quality of the lens is still critical but there's no film any more. Now the other part of the quality equation is the quality and the resolution of the sensor and until someone starts to build a camera with a replaceable sensor, your choice of camera model is really important.

That's not to say you must have a professional SLR to produce award winning photos. I did manage to create awesome images using a point and shoot camera for a couple of years as I made the transition from shooting film for thirty years to digital. However I also lost a hell of a lot of potentially incredible shots and I went through tremendous frustration sometimes trying to get a shot because the functionality of the camera was limited.

Want to use photoshop?

I like photoshop but i don't have any idea how to use it. Is there any way to get it for free?

Want to use photoshop?norton 2008

nope, photoshop is a proprietory software and cannot/should not be obtained for free unless Adobe decides to give it out for free.

Want to use photoshop?pop up blocker

Give a try to a program called GIMP. It works like photoshop, but is open-source (in other words, free!)

I believe it will open and save photoshop files as well.
From what I understand, there are websites that, if you are a teacher or official student, you can get reduced prices on computer applications but don't know where they are.

You might try getting the layman's version instead of the professional version. Not all the bells and whistles but not as expensive either.
well, if you can acquire a copy, its fairly easy to learn
nope its not free

Monday, October 19, 2009

Can you make photoshop brushes smaller?

I was wondering if you can make brushes in photoshop smaller. I'm pretty sure you can, but I don't know just how to do that. And if you know how to rotate the brushes as well please tell me how to.

Can you make photoshop brushes smaller?norton antivirus 2007

just right click anywhere on the ps screen u will allowed choose the brush's shape and u can also alter the brush by using '[' and ']' on keyboard.

Can you make photoshop brushes smaller?product key

There is a slider under the brush you chose in the top left corner. You can change the size using it.
Sure, it depends a bit which version of Photoshop you are using though. In my version, 5.5 (yeah, I know it's ancient) in the Brushes window, theres a little button next to the Brushes tab with a right facing triangle. Press that, then select Brush Options from the dropdown. In that window, there's a Diameter slider. This should be in all versions.

If you're using a more recent version, especially on a Mac, the brush should be visible in a toolbar up top left. Click on that, and a slider for Diameter should drop down.

As far as rotating a specialty brush, I don't know. You could do your drawing on a seperate layer, then rotate it. Good luck!

What type of photoshop software to edit a picture? from a fat photo to a skinny photo?

Hi everyone, i just want to know what type of software of photoshop do i need to use when editing a photo? to make my photo look nice. (i gained so much weight, i want to make my image skinny). Thank you so much.

What type of photoshop software to edit a picture? from a fat photo to a skinny photo?norton antivirus

I use the Gimp. It's an opensource program designed to function like Adobe's Photoshop, a $500+ program. Besides the great cost, free, there are tons of tutorials and documentation to help you understand all it's features and uses. You could try editing the picture in MSPaint, but it's going to leave you with a result that is obviously an edited picture. The Gimp will give you the needed tools to make it look clean. Below is the link for the download as well as a link to their tutorial section. By the way, it is a highly supported application, which means no Spyware or other crap to drive you crazy.

Which is better Photoshop Elements of CS3?

i have been asked to get a version of photoshop for my photography work in art which one is better for me to get???

Which is better Photoshop Elements of CS3?norton ghost

CS3 is the -full- version with all the bells and whistles. It's a professional tool, so it will require some work to master all its features. Elements is the 'consumer' version, easier to learn, simpler to use, but it doesn't have all the abilities. It's also much cheaper.

So it depends on which features you need. Go to and look at the feature lists for both the products.

Which is better Photoshop Elements of CS3?software

photoshop CS3 is expencive if you want to go professional

photoshop elements price range around a hundred dollars

depending on what will you do to your photographs.
Photoshop Elements is the cut down version while CS3 is the professional version.

Any tips for photoshop? [my work inside]?

I make pictures for my buddies fansite. I was wonderinf if you have any tips/feedback?

I'm still a beginner with photoshop, so take it easy. :P

Any tips for photoshop? [my work inside]?security

they're great - obviously.

Any tips for photoshop? [my work inside]?trojan

It would help to see what material you start out with.....

In general, I like the faded, burned-out look the pictures have.

What I'd stay away from are the types of collages that immediately show that they're assembled from a bunch of pics and put together with soft masks. The overlays that look like multiple exposures on one image look better.

Try overlaying images on top of each other with some of the layer settings, like hard light or multiply.

I'd also stay away from the type overlay that distinctly looks like it's been placed over the image.

I'd do one of two things: Either make it a caption on the bottom or integrate it into the image to make it a true part of it.

Could be that the typo becomes the type on a t-shirt in the photo, a newspaper clipping thrown into the collage or a note scribbled onto a pad.... I'm sure you'll have plenty of ideas.

The general rule is: the fancier the image, the more straight-forward the typo should be. You don't want one competing with the other.

But for a beginner - looking good!

Keep going :)

How can i find a cheap photoshop?

i want to get a photoshop without making my parents mad about the price...where do i get a photoshop that you don't have to download and it is under 30$?

How can i find a cheap photoshop?software

under $30?

dude, it's a $700 program!

Either pay the 700 bucks or download it....that's your options

How can i find a cheap photoshop?vincent

there is no such site. that is called stealing.
I don't think you can find it that cheap but check out auctions sites like or
This one is free, but you still have to download it. So download it to a cd. Check it out before you start calling me a '?????' I think its a good one.
You must download it but.....

Go here:

Type in "Photoshop" in the search bar and several versions will appear.

And you will need a bittorrent client to accomplish the download. Here is a good one:
Use to search for PhotoShop. It's the only place you can get the full version for free.

Outlined edges on photoshop cs 2?

Hi i got a photography assignment and i gotta use photoshop, just wondering if anyone can tell me how to get outlined edges on it like this painting :


Outlined edges on photoshop cs 2?spyware removal

The first thing that comes to mind is the "ink outlines" filter and then to beef them up or make them thicker you could go to 'filter' + 'other' + 'minimum' and try that. it depends on the original photo. Unless your line art file is super clean doing it with filters will inevitably leave a lot of little scraps which will require cleaning up. If you do it that way, try first putting a 'smart blur' or 'median' filter on the photo to clean it up and make it more posterized like line art. Then do the filters I first described. Or try making a copy layer of the file and running the all the filters as I just described on that. Then either select all the black lines with the wand or however you want to get a good selection, command option "J" that selection so it bumps just the black lines onto a new layer, then clean up that line layer with the eraser or possibly 'select' +'modify' +'smooth' (contract 1 or 2 pixels might help) then 'select' + 'inverse' and hit the delete key to trim off all outside your smoothed and contracted selection. that might get you a nice clean black outline. then drop that on top of the original photo.

Should I buy Photoshop cs2 or wait for cs3?

I just got a MacBook Pro. I need to get photoshop cs but I'm not sure if I should get cs2 now or wait 3-4?? months and get cs3. I guess I could go ahead with cs2, then get the upgrade when cs3 comes out. What do you think? Thanks.

Should I buy Photoshop cs2 or wait for cs3?spyware remove

You can do as you mentioned. But it is other option, you can use for now GIMP ( which is free and have 90% of the tools of Photoshop. For mac you can go to:

Try and if does not fit then purchase Photoshop

Should I buy Photoshop cs2 or wait for cs3?virus protection

I recommand you to use Google Picasa to manage and edit your pictures.

Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you will recognize. You can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups. Picasa makes sure your pictures are always organized.

Picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and powerful effects at your fingertips. And Picasa makes it a snap to share your pictures 篓C you can email, print photos at home, make gift CDs, instantly share via Hello鈩? and even post pictures on your own blog.

free download in here, just have a try:

Good Luck, Best Wishes!
Check and see what Adobe's policy will be. If you buy CS2 shortly before CS3 comes out, sometimes the company's will give you the upgrade at no charge (sometimes).

I can say that if you will be using CS2 much, you will want CS3. I have been messing with the beta, and the updated ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) alone is worth the upgrade (Only of use to you if you are shooting RAW images with your cam...)

80's in photoshop?

How do you get the background on a picture looking all 80's like this

I'm using Photoshop CS3

80's in photoshop?spyware remover

well, id start with the black. then, draw in lines red, green, whatever. zoom in a bit and use the smudge tool to get the lines to 'fuzz' a little bit.

80's in photoshop?virus removal

There are many ways to do those lines. Heres a site that has some tutorials for that:

This site is loaded with tutorials that can help you make something possibly better than that!


How well does photoshop elements run on an intel mac ?

Has anyone tried to run photoshop elements 4 on a new intel imac ? I know it's not universal and will be slower than on a power pc mac , but is it useable . Thanks

How well does photoshop elements run on an intel mac ?spyware

like butter on bread my man it will work faster than you ever would beleive

How well does photoshop elements run on an intel mac ?virus scan

i believe it is. that being said, isnt the whole point of buying a mac that it comes with great photo and videoediting software? i mean if the photo editing software is bad enough you have to go buy the microsoft product, why not just buy a pc? i mean , its cheaper, the same hardware, and apparently its editing programs are better than macs even though thats what mac is known for. is no one else picking up the subtle hint that mac just plain sucks?

How do I get good at photoshop?

YES, I've tried it all tutorials, books, manuals and soon to be classes (that won't help) and I can't create a good image on my own in photoshop. I've drawn, liquified and edited text extremly well (in my opinion) and I know all the tools but I can't draw something from scratch that's impressive. Got any hints? Help? Should I draw pixle by pixle? Should I stick to what I'm doing? (NOTE: I only have photoshop 6.0 and flash MX but I might, small chance, uprade to the latest version.)

How do I get good at photoshop?antivirus

Yes, I have two ideas.

1. Keep practicing. I sucked at it so bad the first year, and I got better with practice.

2. I know, you tried the books...but really check out Kevin Ames "CS2 The Art of Photographing Women". It has downnloadable tutorials, and excellent step by step instructions. I improved 100% in the first week I had it.

Learn how to use the tools o photos, and creating from scratch will be easier.

Also, lose the mouse and get a tablet.

How do I get good at photoshop?computer

What I see missing here is the hardware. Are you drawing with a mouse? Because most graphic artists that have impressive stuff out there are using a combination of a drawing tablet hooked up to the PC as well as a mouse. I have an old Wacom drawing tablet from back in the day (it actually has a serial plug on it still, it is pre-USB). That is the tool you are missing, drawing becomes so much easier and so much more intuitive when you are holding a pen on a tablet, and drawing just like you used to bank at school in art class. Go shopping at Wacom, you will love the freedom and possibility that a tablet gives you.

I just got Photoshop CS2 and I have no clue how to use it. Can anyone give me some tips for a beginn

I don't even how to open a picture to edit in photoshop, lol....

I just got Photoshop CS2 and I have no clue how to use it. Can anyone give me some tips for a beginner???ariel

The best way to learn how to use it is to just play with it as much as you can. Do read the "fine" manual and/or use the Help menu.

To open a picture, launch Photoshop. From within the app, select Open from the File menu or do a Control O (Command O on a Mac).

There are some cool Photoshop podcasts that are available. You could learn a lot watching them.

I just got Photoshop CS2 and I have no clue how to use it. Can anyone give me some tips for a beginner???computers

WEll what i recommend is that you watch some tutorial videos on youtube. I was like that and now im good at photoshop
Photoshop Tutorials, about 3,300

I hav adob photoshop software n i hav to create pencil sketches of real to use the softw

I hav adobe photoshop(version 7.0)how to use the software to create pencil sketches of real images to use the software

I hav adob photoshop software n i hav to create pencil sketches of real to use the software ??aurora

First, open the image you want to 'sketch'

f your using Photoshop 7, use a 'Layer Set' for organization.

Next duplicate, the original photo/image layer( I called mine 'copy'), and hide the original.

Select the copy layer, then go to 'Image/Adjustments/Desaturate'.


PC Shortcut: 'Ctrl + Shift + U' = Desaturate

Mac Shortcut:'Cmd + Shift + U' = Desaturate.)

3. Next, duplicate the 'copy' (desaturated) layer.

Select that layer, then go to 'Image/Adjustments/Invert'.


PC Shortcut: 'Ctrl + I' = Invert

Mac Shortcut: 'Cmd + I = Invert)

Now, Select that 'inverted' layer, in the 'Layers Palette', and from the 'Blending Modes' drop down list, choose 'Color Dodge'.


PC Shortcut: 'Alt + Shift + D' = Color Dodge.

Mac Shortcut: 'Option + Shift + D' = Color Dodge.)

Finally, have the 'Color Dodge' layer selected and go to 'Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur' and toy with the 'Radius' integer. In this case, a 'radius' from '1-9' worked best. Anything after that it just restored the image back to what it looked like when we desaturated it.

I hav adob photoshop software n i hav to create pencil sketches of real to use the software ??download

A method I have used before is-

Open up your image

Go to the 'Filters' menu, then the 'Brush Strokes' submenu and select 'angled strokes.

You will have to play around with the effect controls but I would recommend a low stroke length and a high sharpness setting.

Apply these changes and then desaturate the image (shift+control+u)

I think the result is pretty effective.

Animated Text in photoshop CS3?

how do i make animated text in photoshop CS3 like the word "long" in this icon- ??


Animated Text in photoshop CS3?auto protect

use ulead gif animator

If you use photoshop, a better graphic card will make it work faster?

Let say you got a system : Core 2 Due 2.4 GHZ ,2 GB ram 320 GB HD, Ati 2400/2600/2800

will it be any difference between those graphic card in photoshop?

If you use photoshop, a better graphic card will make it work faster?avast

No, Photoshop's performance relies mainly on the type of processor you have(I have the same one and it works like a charm). There are some applications such as 3D modeling apps that rely heavily on the graphics card, but Photoshop is not one of them. With those graphics card options that you have, any of them will be fine, as the only thing I think Photoshop uses the graphics card for is the display of the photos on the monitor, which does not use any resources. Great computer by the way!

If you use photoshop, a better graphic card will make it work faster?ducati

No. More expensive graphic cards are for fast animation in games. For Photoshop you just want good colors. All the cards have the same resolution. If you have more money to spend, it would be better to put it towards a better monitor, and more memory if you need it.
You need more RAM and a hi quality colour accurate monitor.

Normally most designers use Macs because of their colour accurate monitors.

I installed my Photoshop, but HotKey doesn't work!?

I just installed Photoshop CS2.

Installation was successful, but when I launch the program. I can't use any of the hotkeys. Why is that?

IS there a way to fix it?

I installed my Photoshop, but HotKey doesn't work!?best antivirus software

try "edit" then "keyboard shortcuts" and see if they are setup correctly.

Hope this helps!

What do you think of this Photoshop??? Why are they tryin to sell this instead of CS???

Get complete photo and video editing 鈥?made easy

Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 plus Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0

US $149.99 US $119.99

Save US$30 instantly. Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 plus Adobe Premiere庐 Elements 3.0 software combines two powerful yet easy-to-use products to deliver the most complete photo and video editing solution.

What do you think of this Photoshop??? Why are they tryin to sell this instead of CS???bmw

I have been using Photoshop Elements since version 2.0. My sister is a graphic arts professional and she tried to keep up to date with the latest version of Photoshop. After playing with my P.E. 5.0, she said that there is precious little in "real" Photoshop that she couldn't live without 98% of the time if she had P.E. 5.0. For what it's worth, every single picture I have on Flickr was processed in P.E. 3.0 or 5.0. Some had nothing done besides cropping (if that) and some had a fair amount of work. There are even a couple of before and after examples. Look if you wish, just to see if you find anything seriously lackins. (If you do, it's probably because I don't make my living doing this and I have just learned what I want to learn as I go along.)

I have Premiere Elements 1.0 and all I can really say is that it works... I've made one little slide show on DVD with that program. It looks like you could edit a movie with it, though.

Help with adobe photoshop?

i have adobe photoshop cs2 i didnt know how to fix the pix to be pretty

Help with adobe photoshop?cafe racer

Photoshop has some preset frames that can be accessed in the Actions panel. Open your picture in Photoshop. Then at the top choose Window/Actions then click the arrow at the top right of the Actions panel to choose the built in Frames. There's also a couple of frames in the default Actions as well. Choose the frame type you want then click the Play Selection button at the bottom of the Action panel. Photoshop then does all the work to build a ready made frame around your picture.

Help with adobe photoshop?free anti virus

check this url:

if this doesnt work if you have a disk that came with your program then refer to that under troubleshooting.

Gray scale in photoshop!?

For some reason, my colors in photoshop aren't coming up. well they are, but they're in gray scale mode. i went to the channels in the work area box, but there's no other option. what do i do?!

Gray scale in photoshop!?computer protection

Go to your Image Mode, and make sure you're in RGB or CMYK.

Also take a look at the Color Swatch Pallet sub menu. Confirm the colors you want are selected, or use it to reset your pallet.

Can anyone who is good at photoshop please help me?

I am creating a fansite for Taylor Swift ( and im having a few set backs. Im not exactly the best at photoshop, but im trying to create a layout for the website. If someone who is pretty good with photoshop can help me please e-mail me. I would appreciate it so much!

Can anyone who is good at photoshop please help me?computer repair

You can find many graphic designers at websites like

But Do not pay before the work is completed.

Can anyone who is good at photoshop please help me?free antivirus

You can MSN me at

I used to do a lot of signatures back in the day :P

Dll. file for Photoshop CS Uninstall Error 5001?

Im having major issues trying to uninstall Photoshop CS from my laptop. When i go to the Add/Remove software area, and click to remove it, it comes up with the following error:

Screen Shot Of Error:

Can anyone help me pretty please?

Dll. file for Photoshop CS Uninstall Error 5001?free antivirus download

i think setup files are missing or corrupted....

use original setup file to uninstall it , just run it as usual and it will show u the option of uninstall and repair ... check uninstall and proceed...

if it still doesnt work then first repair then uninstall.

Is it possible to renew a photoshop trial?

because I have Done every Photoshop free trial and I dont have the money yet to buy myself one, actually im 14 and I get one on my b-day but I hope that its possible to renew a photoshop free trial, if there is a way, please tell me how to! Please and Thanks a bunch!

Is it possible to renew a photoshop trial?free antivirus

No, it's one trial per computer, the information is stored in your registry. I recommend GIMP, it has many features of Photoshop and costs nothing.

GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

Other alternative include: or Picasa from Google.

Is it possible to renew a photoshop trial?internet

You could always format your HD and reinstall the trials.
Adobe actually adds lines to your registry to insure that you don't abuse the free "trial" idea. There are plenty of other image/photo editing software products out there, you could probably get a free trial of those to tide you over until you can afford Photoshop. There is also GIMP(, which is freeware.
if you could, it wouldn't be a 'trial' would it?

Color change in photoshop without loosing luminosity? Urgent :-(?

Hi, I really appreciate if somebody can answer this question:

I have a diamond image, which obviously has different shades in it, it actually has dark, like dak brown shades, which i want to change to lighter smth like light yellow, i tried replace color, hue/sat//light but the effect is not realistic like an actual diamond looks, it is loosing its luminosity. i even tried with magic wand tool, by selecting each darker part and changing color, but it does'nt look realistic either. I would be very grately if somebody could help me with this. I m using Photoshop 7.0

Thank You in advance.

Color change in photoshop without loosing luminosity? Urgent :-(?free spyware remobal

1) Select the area you want to change. Don't do the whole diamond in one go but a facet at a time.

2) Change hue and saturation to the color you want. Make each facet a different color. Not like red and blue but you may want one facet to be a pink to offset the yellow on the facet next to it.

3) Reset a combination of contrast and lightness to your liking. Usually this means cranking up the contrast and compensating by 'dimming the light' a bit.

4) Overlay a new layer and use your spay-paint to highlight area's. Bring to whole highlighted layer to 50- 70% transoerancy.

This also works the other way around to bring some subtle shading back to your diamond. Use a dark but bright blue.

Trying to Activate Photoshop?

Hi guys! :D I'm trying to activate my trail version of Photoshop but when I try to go to help%26gt;activate... it's gray so i can not click on it. Can anybody help?

Trying to Activate Photoshop?free spyware remover

did you purchase the software? if so, send me the key, and i will see if it works in mine.

Just email it to me.

Trying to Activate Photoshop?ktm

you can get a free copy send me a mail techdeep%26lt;at%26gt;yahoo%26lt;dot%26gt;com

Can somebody please photoshop this for me?

Can you make this picture look like this picture not exactly but close? make my eyes look better and the coloring more sharper or something just make me pretty! only dont go crazy with the photoshop because I dont want it looking overdone. thankyousomuch!

Can somebody please photoshop this for me?free spyware

Voil脿! :)

Can somebody please photoshop this for me?live update

I have done so, I'm trying to figure out a way to send it to you, other than photobucket. I think I've done a decent job, and think you'll be pleased with the results.

Okay, please go to

or, if that doesn't work, try

I hope you like it, contact me and let me know if it's any good. If not, I can definitely redo it.

I had adobe photoshop before I crahed,can you tell me how to get it back?

It had auto fix and I lost the program,it was already installed,how can I get this back.I had better results with adobe photoshop,but I can't seem to get the free download back.Can you help me?

I had adobe photoshop before I crahed,can you tell me how to get it back?hijack this

You need to find the original install disk. Do you still have it? If not, maybe you can borrow a friend's. If you have all of the registration numbers maybe Adobe will give you another copy.

I had adobe photoshop before I crahed,can you tell me how to get it back?liveupdate

go to the maker and tell them your compuer crashed and you want that program back they should help you out then find out what the registered code was and it should be back to normal

Any good & free photoshop type software?

Do you know of any good %26 free photo editing sofware better than MS Paint, kind of like photoshop?

Web links (%26 some info about it) would be great.


Any good %26 free photoshop type software?hijackthis

I was looking for this exact same question today. I typed in free graphics programs into google and there are some out there that are supposed to be similar to Photoshop. I found Dogwaffle, Draw Plus, GIMP, Inkscape, and Mayura Draw amongst others. I haven't tried any of them out yet.

Any good %26 free photoshop type software?malware

yeah there are, they aren't as good but still pretty useful. There is picaso 2 made by google. Its basically a quick fix to any photo issues and is a lot of fun. Most digital cameras come with photo editing software too.
I don't know of any, but i would not mind finding out if there is something like that out there.
Adobe Imageready

The GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) was designed to look and feel like Photoshop (version 6 I think) and does much of what photoshop does for free. Plenty of tutorials on their site too.
Gimp as already mentioned.

Or for a more photoshop-like interface gimpshop.
You need open source painting software

please try "Tux Paint" software.

It is open source Tux paint download from ------- this site.
Hey heres a free one:

it is called and its not Paint LOL its a digital photo editing software for free. It has also versed Photoshop and other big brand software and its only 1.5mb! It has heaps of effects and doesn't lag one bit.


How to use downloaded brushes from photoshop?

i just downloaded a couple brushes from this site:

and i did what they said, to download then go to the brushes thing and click "load brushes" then click on the one i want, but nothing happens, nothing pops up or anything. help!

i have photoshop cs2

thank you :)

How to use downloaded brushes from photoshop?house call

You may have to manually put the brush files into the "brushes" folder in your Photoshop folder on the harddrive.


I have Adobe Photoshop Editor, and on the "stamp" part I have figured out how to change the background from the defaults and such to SOLID colors. It is extremely obnoxious!!


Try out for gradations which look very pleasent

What should my PhotoShop document size be for an icon?

I'm learning to make icons in PhotoShop, but what size does my document need to be?! Including pixels, etc? Please help! Thanks!

What should my PhotoShop document size be for an icon?husqvarna

Try 25 x 25 pixels - difficult question depends on how large you want the icon to be

Adobe Dreamweaver/Photoshop?

Ok I have currently received dreamweaver %26 photoshop %26 put it on my PC. but I have a iMac %26 I was wondering is there a way I can convert the PC compatible dreamweaver %26 photoshop to work on my iMac?

Adobe Dreamweaver/Photoshop?internet security 2006

No. You're out another few hundred bucks for a whole new product.

See? If you had used something open source instead, like NVU, you'd have free downloadable software that works with Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Adobe Dreamweaver/Photoshop?microsoft

Contact Adobe.

think you have to Transfer Activation

Open Photoshop Click Help then Transfer Activation.(do the same for dreamweaver)

And Follow Directions.

However to install on the iMac go to the Adobe downloads page and download the Mac Versions of Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Why is photoshop ALWAYS freezing?

I recently downloaded photoshop elements that came with my wacom tablet and within 5 minutes of painting it freezes which is really annoying since I just downloaded a set of fur effects brushes and would really like to use them. What can I do to get photoshop to stop freezing?(I had this problem before I downloaded the fur brushes

Why is photoshop ALWAYS freezing?internet security software

I work on computers for a profession and from the sounds of it, either Windows is corrupt, you need an update, better software or your RAM is bad(Use memtest86+ to test). I can't really say what it is without being at the computer, but bad memory sounds right. What are the specs of the computer? Older memory is more pron to go bad.

Why is photoshop ALWAYS freezing?moto guzzi

You need to purchase more memory (RAM) and make sure you have enough room on your hard drive (GB)

Arabic Text problem with Photoshop ! what to do ?

Hello !

when I try to whrite in arabic in photoshop ! the letters are not attached !

I have fonts in arabic and arabic version of word intsllaed on my computer !

but in photoshop it's always a problem with the arabic text !

is their a solution please ? without installing other version or photoshop in arabic ! because that takes time!


Arabic Text problem with Photoshop ! what to do ?internet security

You need the Arabic / Middle East version of Photoshop. I know you don't want to hear that but that's the only answer.


It's not enough to switch fonts / system languages. Most Middle East languages are read right-to-left, not left-to-right as it is in English; therefore, properly laying out text in a design program requires a program that supports RTL languages.

Which means you need to purchase the Arabic version of Photoshop.

Arabic Text problem with Photoshop ! what to do ?network security

if you go into your computer's keyboard settings you can temporarily switch to an arabic keyboard and the letters will connect. That might help??

Score my Photoshop (Pictures include)?

Score it from 1-20

And please tell where are my problems...!?

Picture before Photoshop:

Picture after Photoshop:

Score my Photoshop (Pictures include)?internet

tbh it is a really good piece of work. the problems are tht u have used posterize or a filter to get rid of the little mistakes, most people do at the beggining dnt worry, your on a good start and by the work i can see you doing really well with photoshop. Try typing photoshop tutorials on google. theyre are so many out there. Also on the picture, try to make the background more clearer as it looks like 2 blue circles now.

but well done mate

oh and id rate it around 15/20 ;)

Can you do HDR photography with photoshop elements?

I use photoshop elements 5.0 and want to start working with HDR images. I love the look. Can I do them in elements 5? if so how? I see websites for HDR in Photoshop, but nothing in elements.

Can you do HDR photography with photoshop elements?spyware remove

I believe that feeature is only available in Photoshop CS2 and above.

Help with Adobe Photoshop 7...?

I just got Photoshop 7 and I really don't know how to do anything on it. I wanna learn how to make borders, create cool backgrounds, merge picture layers together, etc. Can anyone help????

Help with Adobe Photoshop 7...?spyware remover

You can learn photoshop frm:

Help with Adobe Photoshop 7...?virus removal

I just play around with the different tools and layers. I have made some cool stuff and I know nothing about it lol.
Type "PhotoShop 7 tutorials" into Google and start clicking.

I got a photoshop assignment and I'm clueless....?

Is there anyone that can help me?

create a beautiful old time book cover, using one of the images that you color corrected, and then repair it with photo retouching techniques and add type and Voila! A beautiful book cover of an old time novel.

If you wish to do the B%26W colorizing technique of a hand painted image from last week, that would be fine, in fact, it would be preferred. It would be great to take a self-portrait and treat it that way, or even, an photo portrait of someone else.

So, create a cool old time novel cover, with your color corrected and retouched images and type, and turn it in to the dropbox. Make it 5x7 inches, 72 ppi, rgb. The color of the background can be what ever you want to make it and I want you to save it as an un-flattened (meaning all of the layers are saved too), Photoshop file (.PSD).

You must submit it in this form 鈥?no exceptions:

1. 11x14

2. 150 DPI

3. RGB

4. TIF

5. Flattened and all Alpha Channels discarded


I got a photoshop assignment and I'm clueless....?spyware

wow. Dude, this is going to take lots of steps. I'm going to tell you a simple sepia way.

1. Select corrected photo you want to use. Should not need any more repairs.

2. Go to image, select mode, select grayscale to remove color.

3. To tint the image go back into image, then mode then select RGB (pretty much reversing what you did in step 2)

4. Depending on What version of PS you have it changes so I will give you a universal method. Open levels. (control L). Where it says 'channels' select red and start playing around with the middle slider to get a color you want.

5. Pick a font you want to use, make your font size about 36 point and type away. You should now have 2 layers.

See if that helps out as a start.

I got a photoshop assignment and I'm clueless....?virus scan


Need help for photoshop?

hello i want to do practice in photoshop %26 corel draw in my free time i dont understand what to make so can u suggest me to do anything or give me some task so that i can practice

Need help for photoshop?stinger

thats the answers to your questions mate.

New challenges everyday.

cheers !!!!

Need help for photoshop?virus scanner

Juz try to design a cover for a book or anything.
Get some pictures of different fruits, isolate them from their backgroundn and then use the images, by resizing, changing their colour or orientation, to creat a montage of another image.
paste your head onto body of one famous person.

If you have photoshop 7.0 could you please help me on how to download different brushes and backgrou

If you have photoshop 7.0 could you please help me by telling me where i could get loads of different brushes and backgrounds to go on my pictures and could you get back as soon as possible please thanks sophie

If you have photoshop 7.0 could you please help me on how to download different brushes and backgrounds?suzuki

Here are some sites with either tutorials or brushes. Good luck!

Anyone good with photoshop?

Is anyone here good with photoshop and willing to make me a forum signature about the with of 375 and the height of 100.

I want it to be a creative (I leave all creativity to you) forum signature. I want it to have Beetlejuice pictures on it. I want it to say Comfortably Kimmi and Mrs. Geuse on it.

I will be picking the best one early this morning so time is a part of this. I will give the best one best answer, 5 stars, their website on the forums I use the signature on if they wish, and my deepest thanks.

Please leave your yahoo messenger screen name so I can contact you in real time and immediantly.

Thanks In advance.

Anyone good with photoshop?virus protection

when u say forum signiture is that just like those advertising boxes or an actuall signiture?