Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photoshop Question?!?

I have Photoshop CS3, and I want to know where to go to make an oval. Just a basic oval shape. If anyone knows, please answer with the steps and where to go on photoshop CS3.


Photoshop Question?!?ducati

1. Select the Shape Tool (e.g, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle,Ellipse, etc.) you want from the Toolbox (right side, third from the bottom.)

2. In the Options Palette at the top of the screen, select the "path" option (it's the one in the middle, with a little pen superimposed over the box).

3. Click and drag to draw your shape.

4. Make sure the Paths palette is showing. The shape you just drew should be selected as the Work Path.

5. From the little pop-up menu to the right of the Paths palette, click "Stroke Path..." You have the choice of outlining your path in whatever brush is active, with the single-pixel pencil, or other options.

6. Once you have the result you like, you can delete the path to eliminate the annoying stripe down the middle of your shape.

Photoshop Question?!?hp

Photoshop has a built in feature for this. Its called "rounded rectangle" althought the button may not be shown by default on the tool bar. You may need to click and drag the mouse to the right when you click on the "rectangle tool".
given that you are a noob, i wouldn't bother with shapes, you wont know how to manipulate them, etc. my suggestion is this: use the circular marque tool (under the selection tool, upper left hand corner of the toolbar) and draw your oval. then you can fill it or put a stroke (line) around it to make it to however your little heart desires.

the shape tool is good but it sounds more complicated than you need.

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